Snap, Chat, Repeat: How Young People Are Interacting With AI Everyday

Children are deeply entrenched in a digital world, continuously interacting with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence as a part of their everyday. This article aims to enlighten parents about how children engage with AI and advanced technology that they may not wholly understand. By increasing the literacy of parents, we hope to empower you to have conversations with the children in your care about how they can use this technology safely and ethically.
My Mobile Network is Down, What Will I Do?

In today’s digital age, mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. They help us stay connected, provide essential information, and even serve as a safety net in emergencies. However, what happens when the mobile network goes down, leaving you and your family without access to the internet or communication tools? In such situations, it’s crucial to be prepared and have a plan in place to ensure your safety.
Friend or Foe: How to Spot a Catfish

Catfishing is when someone pretends to be someone else on the internet, usually on social media or gaming platforms. Here we share some common warning signs to recognise a catfish and what you can do if you come across one.
The Power of Checking In: ‘R U OK?’ Day & Online Connections

At the Cyber Safety Project, we are deeply committed to ensuring that young people know what resources are out there if something is going wrong for them, both online and offline. Well-being is one of our central focuses. R U OK? Day is a day for initiating deep conversations and quick check-ins to connect with people before they are in crisis and to guide them in the right direction.
Digital Habits of Secondary Students

Insights gained from the Cyber Safety Project Digital Habits surveys provide our team with an in-depth look at the ways young people are accessing and engaging in the online world. These insights can also helps communities support their young people to have safe and positive online experiences.
Great Books to Keep Your Teen Safe and Well Online

Our top list of engaging books for teens, and their families, to help them stay safe, secure and well in the online world.
Digital Wellbeing

Similar to general wellbeing, digital wellbeing underpins the three key pillars of physical, mental and social health, but in an online sense. See our top tips for keeping your digital wellbeing in check.
Opel Kids Phone: The safest smartphone for kids

For years, parents have been reaching out to the Cyber Safety Project for tips, tricks and recommendations when introducing a child to their very first smartphone. Opel Mobile’s newest SmartKids Phone may be the answer we have all been looking for.
Optus Cyberattack and Data Breach

Optus is amongst many big companies who have fallen victim to recent cyberattacks. How can you protect yourself against a cyber security breach and what should you do if your personal data has been compromised?
7 Ways to Stay Safe on Snapchat

Snapchat has become the social platform of choice for many young teens, delivering on all aspects of social networking. Here are 6 crucial strategies to keep your family safe when using Snapchat.