Keep your family safe online

We have all the resources busy families need to stay informed and in control of online safety and digital wellbeing.

Online Safety For Families

Get instant access to a wealth of resources

Designed by our cyber safety specialists exclusively for families with minimal tech experience, our Families Hub includes access to three parent webinars and six family workshop modules, featuring easy-to-understand resources and strategies to implement at home. 

Online Safety Families Hub
Family Learning Online Safety

Our Families Hub


THREE Parent only webinars (3 x 30 mins)

This on-demand webinar series is for parents seeking practical strategies and resources to support and manage online safety in the home.


  1. Plan, prevent and protect your family 
  2. Keeping kids safe on social media
  3. Keeping kids safe who game online

You'll also have access to...



Self-pace and work together as a family through six online modules designed to start the chat about cyber security, safety and digital wellbeing at home.


  1. Why It’s Not Always Safe Online
  2. All The Spaces You’ll Go
  3. Connecting Online
  4. Our Family Information
  5. Settings For Success
  6. Sorting Out Screen Time
Online Safety Family Workshop

What our Parents Say

“I feel confident now to guide my children through using the Internet and applications. They armed me with the knowledge to look at settings and how to set them to be child friendly, how to sit and talk with my children and also what help is out there.”

Families Hub Parent

Looking For Free Resources?

Check out our Free Resources

The program is self-paced and available on-demand.

The program includes:
3 x 30-minute parent webinars
6 x 20-minute family workshops

Resources include a family digital use agreement, a conversation starter checklist, and links to useful content and resources.

The program is designed for parents, guardians, influencers, and children aged 8 to 14 years.

Key topics include: Home security Privacy settings Social media Gaming Screen time Personal, private, and public spaces Cyberbullying Help seeking

Participants have access to the program for 90 days.

The cost of the program is $49.


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